Beijing CBD Core, Parcel NE19-1a
Beijing, China 2006-2007
Sino Ocean Land Holdings
Project Data:
48,477 sm site area, 350,000 sm building area
Mixed-use office, commercial, residential & transportation center
Project Description:
The Beijing Central Business District Core represents the remaining critical component to complete the development and implementation of the Beijing CBD Comprehensive Master Plan. This strategic 48 hectare area is envisioned as the new center of business activity in Beijing established through the highest world class standards of planning, design, and development, thus enhancing Beijing’s new vision and international identity.
Part of the Phase One development of the CBD Core Master Plan, Parcel NE19-1a occupies a highly visible and prominent position within the District Core as well as the overall Beijing CBD. Situated along the 3rd Ring Road, directly south of the CCTV center and directly east of the China World Trade Center, this 48,477 square meter site will help establish the design identity and innovative character of the CBD District Core.
The original master plan envisions the development to contain a signature 180 meter high office tower, a 120 meter luxury residential building, a major commercial center, and an intermodal transport center linking 2 major metro lines, major bus routes, and additional taxi and transport options. The concept is a dynamic interpretation of the master plan guidelines which creates an immediate physical impact without overwhelming the neighboring CCTV complex and the new Gou Mao tower.
第一阶段作为CBD核心区总体规划发展整体的一部分,Parcel NE19 - 1A占据着整个核心区乃至整个北京CBD非常明显和突出的地位。位于三环,央视中心和国贸中心的正南方,这块48,477 平方米的基地全译着北京商业核心区的设计特征和创新品质。
最初的规划方案是将这片区域设想为拥有一栋180米高的办公楼,一栋120米高的豪华公寓, 一个主要的商业中心和联合运输周转站连接着2条主要的地铁线路,公交线路和其它如出租车,私家车等交通方式。设计的理念是对总体规划思想的立体的,丰富的,动态的解读。在人们感到直接的视觉冲击的同时,不会对紧邻的央视中心和新国贸产生影响。